OpenVas: Vulnerability Scanning | Installation Guide


  • Introduction:

OpenVAS is a vulnerability scanner that analyzes endpoints and web apps to uncover and detect flaws. Corporations frequently employ it as part of their mitigation strategies to initially identify any weaknesses in their operational or testing servers and apps. This isn't an ultimate solution, but it can assist in the elimination of any common weaknesses that may have sneaked through the gaps.

  • Installation:

There are three methods to install GreenBone openVas:

1- Install from Kali/OpenVas repositories: 

This way varies in difficulty because of the needed configurations, you can simply install it with apt.

sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get upgrade -y && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y

sudo apt-get install openvas

sudo gvm-setup

sudo gvm-check-setup

2- Install from source (Manually):

This way is not the best for beginners due to prerequisite installations and error handling can be challenging.

3- Run from docker: 

The easiest way since it only needs Docker installed, then by tapping one command you get the client started. The docker was developed by

sudo dnf install docker

sudo apt install -- for Ubuntu & Debian

- Start the docker daemon:

sudo sytemctl start docker

- Download the container:

docker run -d -p 443:443 --name openvas mikesplain/openvas

- This command will grab the container from the docker registry and start it up (the installation can take several minutes to finish) so be patient!; if everything goes well you should see (Downloaded newer image for mikesplain/openVas:latest)

- Once the installation is complete go to in your preferred browser, OpenVAS will be ready to go.

- If you encountered a warning message, choose Advanced and Proceed to
- Insert the default credentials:

Username: admin
Password: admin

You should be seeing a dashboard identical to the one below when you successfully logged into OpenVAS.

Initial configuration:

luckily, openVas include a wizard to make the process of setup straightforward.

- First, click on Scans > Tasks.

You should get a pop-up like the one above if you managed to navigate to the wizard, start by clicking on the purple button. This is where you'll run your first scan on your localhost machine to make sure it's all set up correctly. As you can see the IP address is set to, it's the address allocated to the docker interface you've just installed, change it to, and start scanning.

- After you start the scan, you need to grab a cup of coffee as openVas needs quite some time to finish the scan.

- Once the scan has finished, navigate to Scan > Reports

- Click on the last created report from your previously launched task to see details.

- You can enter an item from the Vulnerability list to see full details.

  • Scanning a remote server:

- The remote server is connected via OpenVPN, so the first thing to do is OpenVPN installation:

sudo dnf install openvpn

- Then download the corresponding tunnel configuration to eventually open the configuration:

openvpn Downloads/configuration_file.ovpn 

- Start openVas and start the scan:

- Enter Scans > Reports, then choose the scan to verify details.
- Browse each vulnerability to assess the risks and proposed mitigations.
- You can also use valhalla web application for more investigations (matching more than 14 thousand Yara rule).



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